Exercise Is Medicine
Elite Personal Training Studio in Birmingham, AL
Personal Training in Birmingham, AL
EIM personal trainers are certified experts in exercise physiology and anatomy through highly accredited organizations like the American College of Sports Medicine as well as undergraduate and graduate degrees in exercise science.
EIM maintains the highest standards for our personal trainers by requiring continuing education courses to ensure they are aware of the latest developments in fitness and exercise prescription.
Our clients are a diverse group with an array of health, fitness, and wellness goals. We treat every client with the same level of care regardless of whether they are a professional athlete or newcomer to fitness.

The EIM fitness journey begins with a thorough assessment of your health, fitness level, and medical history. Personal trainers may consult with a physician to ensure your safety and design a customized workout program. Last, trainers will take measurements to help monitor progress. Periodic evaluations are available by appointment.

One-on-one workouts are scheduled two or three days a week in 30- or 60-minute sessions. Private training allows your personal trainer to better customize and monitor your workouts and focus on your unique fitness and wellness goals.

Semi Private
These small-group workouts take place two or three days a week in 30- or 60-minute sessions. Each participant follows their own exercise routine as designed by their personal trainer. The trainer manages the session and guides each client with personal attention throughout the workout.
Schedule your personal training consultation today!
How can I find the right personal trainer for me in Birmingham?
Working with a personal trainer can help you receive a personalized approach to exercise that takes your goals, abilities, interests and injuries into account. A personal trainer can also be a good accountability partner and help you stay motivated while trying to reach your goals.
When you’re starting your search, ask yourself what you want to achieve. A good trainer will hear your concerns and interests and develop a plan to help you achieve those goals. Visit your trainer in person and be prepared to share your goals.
Most importantly, you’ll need to like this person and get along with them. You’ll be spending a lot of time together, and nobody wants to go to a training session with someone they don’t enjoy spending time with.
What makes EIM Personal Training in Birmingham different from other personal trainers?
Our personal trainers are all certified by the American College of Sports Medicine and other highly accredited organizations. Our trainers undergo constant continuing education courses to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in exercise science.
Our trainers are dedicated to working with you with a holistic approach – customizing your plan with not only modifications to exercise, but also with nutrition services, grocery store tours and pantry makeovers as needed.
Our trainers begin with a thorough evaluation of your health, fitness level and medical history. From there, you and your trainer will discuss goals, take measurements and photos and discuss a customized workout plan.
Should I get a personal trainer?
The short answer? Yes! Everyone can benefit from a personal trainer. One of the most basic benefits of a personal trainer is an accountability partner. Having someone who knows your goals and the tools to make it happen is often the missing link in a great exercise plan.
Personal trainers are also great for those with an illness or injury. Our trainers have a great understanding of physiology and can make recommendations or modifications to help you get the results you’re looking for- safely.
If you’re currently stuck in the same routine, that’s also a great time for a personal trainer to step in and make some recommendations. You could also find yourself bored with the same workout or needing to be challenged more, and a trainer can definitely help keep things new, fun and fresh.
What services can I expect from a personal trainer?
The first step in the process at EIM is an evaluation. You’ll meet with your trainer, take measurements, set goals and discuss your medical history. We are proud to offer training in both private and semi-private settings.
With private workouts, you could expect sessions two or three days per week, in either 30 or 60 minute sessions. Private training is best for those looking for a truly customized plan.
Semi-private group sessions take place twice or three times a week in either 30 or 60 minute classes. Each participant follows their own routine as recommended by their own personal trainer. The trainer will manage the session and guide each person through their individualized plan.
Is a personal trainer worth it?
Absolutely! One of the best benefits of a personal trainer is creating a workout plan for the specific results you’re looking for. No two people are the same, so no two workout plans will be the same.
Trainers can also provide expertise and modifications for your limitations, reducing the risk for possible injury. You’ll also have a dedicated individual who understands your goals and helps you reach them. If those goals change along the way, you’ll have a partner who is ready to adapt and change the plan. You’ll have a great accountability partner who will celebrate every victory and milestone along with you.