How Often Should You Do Physical Therapy Exercises

by | Oct 1, 2023 | Physical Therapy

Once you’ve gotten over surgery or injury, the journey to full recovery can seem long and daunting. Consistent rehabilitation is vital to getting back on your feet quickly so that you can pick your lifestyle up where you left off prior to the injury or surgery. Physical therapy can be very helpful if done correctly; keep reading to see how often you should do your exercises to get back on your feet with EIM Personal Training.

How Often Should You Do Physical Therapy Exercises

Not all rehab physical therapy needs are the same. Some exercises emphasize the range of movement training, while others are geared towards regaining strength. Both methods of rehabilitation are designed with the patient’s needs in mind, but utilizing physical therapy services the right way is important in making sure strength and mobility are regained. 

During your initial consultations with your physical therapist, they will design a schedule based on individual needs. There is no universal schedule for physical therapy, but following the physical therapist’s instructions and plan is key. 

Individual Needs, Individual Results 

As stated above, there is no “perfect” plan for scheduling physical therapy. The nature of the injury or surgery determines the frequency of therapy. This is especially true if the patient is relying on visits to the therapist for rehab. 

For some injuries like fractures or sprains, a more generic plan with therapy two to three times per week can help achieve desired results quickly. However, for more serious issues that deal with joints, ligaments, or tendons, patients should likely expect more frequent physical therapy sessions. 

For in-patient treatment, consistent treatment is fairly easy to maintain because you will see your physical therapist regularly. Typically, in-patient physical therapy options will occur once or twice a week, but some therapists may also assign patients at-home exercises between appointments to keep progress consistent. These should be performed daily in between visits to your physical therapist.

Communication Is Key

As with anything else, consistent communication with your physical therapist can help speed up the recovery process by letting them know your individual needs and how you feel your body is responding to the therapy. 

On that note, keeping in constant communication in the event of a missed appointment will also help ensure that you do not fall behind in your rehab goals and disrupt any progress you’ve already made.  

Performing The Exercises At Home 

Some patients will get the OK from their physical therapist to perform the therapy exercises on their own in their homes. As with in-patient services, maintaining a schedule that is challenging while still helping your body heal is vital in home rehabilitation therapy. 

How often you should do in-home exercises varies. However, if cleared to do so, block off at least 30 minutes per day to perform the prescribed exercises. This will help keep improvements steady during therapy. 

Your sessions can last anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour and should include a warm-up and cool-down period where resistance is lighter and your body is given a chance to either get primed for therapy or recover from the session. This can help with flexibility, muscle growth, and overall healing. 

Rest Helps

Anyone who trains consistently will tell you that besides eating right and exercising right, giving your body a chance to recover is the most important thing in hitting fitness goals. The same is true for physical therapy after surgery or injury. 

Working the same muscles and joints too often can lead to inflammation that can cause recovery issues Rest days will allow these muscles or joints time to recover and rebuild after strenuous therapy. 

Rest days are also good for morale. Going into physical therapy when you’re sore can make something that is already challenging unnecessarily more difficult. Allowing your body to rest and recuperate will actually speed up your recovery process as opposed to working your joints or muscles out strenuously each day.

Effective Physical Therapy Is Possible 

Physical therapy can seem difficult, if not impossible, immediately following an injury or surgery. Taking the proper steps to ensure a speedy recovery is critical to getting your body back in shape. Consult with EIM for more information on effective physical therapy treatment options. 

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